
Info  Name englisch
 Name deutsch
Anz. Preis     
 Benalish Hero (played) W c 1 0,99 € 
 Blue Elemental Blast (played) U c 0 1,49 € 
 Blue Ward (played) W U 1 0,99 € 
 Circle of Protection: Black (played) W c 1 1,29 € 
 Circle of Protection: Black (poor) W c 1 0,99 € 
 Circle of Protection: Blue (exc.) W c 0 1,49 € 
 Circle of Protection: Blue (played) W c 3 0,79 € 
 Circle of Protection: Green (exc.) W c 0 1,49 € 
 Circle of Protection: Green (played) W c 1 0,79 € 
 Circle of Protection: Red (good) W c 0 1,49 € 
 Circle of Protection: Red (played) W c 0 0,99 € 
 Circle of Protection: White (light play) W c 4 0,99 € 
 Craw Wurm (exc.) G c 0 2,99 € 
 Craw Wurm (light played) G c 1 1,49 € 
 Creature Bond U c 0 1,99 € 
 Creature Bond (good) U c 0 1,49 € 
 Creature Bond (light played) U c 3 0,99 € 
 Death Ward (played) W c 2 0,79 € 
 Disenchant (played) W c 1 4,49 € 
 Disintegrate (exc.) R c 0 4,99 € 
 Disintegrate (played) R c 0 2,49 € 
 Dwarven Demolition Team (played) R U 1 3,99 € 
 Dwarven Warriors (light played) R c 2 1,49 € 
 False Orders (played) R c 0 1,99 € 
 Fear (good) B c 1 0,99 € 
 Fear (light played) B c 1 0,79 € 
 Fear (played) B c 1 0,49 € 
 Fireball (played) R c 0 2,49 € 
 Firebreathing (light played) R c 2 0,69 € 
 Flight (played) U c 2 0,79 € 
 Fog (played) G c 1 1,49 € 
 Frozen Shade (good) B c 1 1,49 € 
 Frozen Shade (played) B c 2 0,79 € 
 Gaea's Liege (light played) G R 0 19,99 € 
 Giant Spider (good) G c 0 1,99 € 
 Giant Spider (light played) G c 0 0,99 € 
 Gloom (played) B U 0 6,99 € 
 Gray Ogre R c 0 2,99 € 
 Gray Ogre (light played) R c 1 1,49 € 
 Gray Ogre (poor) R c 2 0,49 € 
 Grizzly Bears (light played) G c 1 0,99 € 
 Healing Salve (poor) W c 1 0,49 € 
 Hill Giant (exc.) R c 0 1,49 € 
 Holy Armor (light played) W c 2 0,99 € 
 Holy Armor (played) W c 1 0,49 € 
 Howl from Beyond (played) B c 3 0,99 € 
 Hurloon Minotaur R c 0 1,99 € 
 Hurloon Minotaur (played) R c 1 0,69 € 
 Iron Star (played) Art U 1 14,99 € 
 Ironroot Treefolk (played) G c 2 0,99 € 
 Ivory Cup (light played) Art U 1 1,99 € 
 Jade Statue (good) Art U 1 13,99 € 
 Jump (exc.) U c 1 1,99 € 
 Jump (light played) U c 2 0,99 € 
 Keldon Warlord (good) R U 0 6,49 € 
 Ley Druid (good) G U 0 4,99 € 
 Lifeforce (light played) G U 0 3,99 € 
 Living Artifact (played) G R 1 14,99 € 
 Mana Short (light played) U R 1 29,99 € 
 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident (played) U c 1 0,99 € 
 Mesa Pegasus (played) W c 4 0,99 € 
 Paralyze (exc.) B c 0 3,99 € 
 Paralyze (played) B c 1 2,99 € 
 Phantasmal Terrain (exc.) U c 0 2,99 € 
 Phantasmal Terrain (played) U c 1 0,99 € 
 Phantom Monster (light played) U U 2 5,49 € 
 Phantom Monster (played) U U 1 3,99 € 
 Power Leak (played) U c 2 0,99 € 
 Power Sink (good) U c 1 3,99 € 
 Prodigal Sorcerer (good) U c 0 2,99 € 
 Prodigal Sorcerer (played) U c 2 0,99 € 
 Psychic Venom (good) U c 1 2,99 € 
 Psychic Venom (played) U c 1 0,99 € 
 Raise Dead (good) B c 0 2,49 € 
 Red Elemental Blast (exc.) R c 0 11,49 € 
 Regeneration (good) G c 2 0,99 € 
 Resurrection (played) W U 0 2,49 € 
 Rock Hydra (poor) R R 1 13,99 € 
 Samite Healer (played) W c 2 0,99 € 
 Scryb Sprites (exc.) G c 0 6,99 € 
 Scryb Sprites (played) G c 1 0,99 € 
 Sea Serpent (light played) U c 1 0,99 € 
 Shanodin Dryads (good) G c 1 1,99 € 
 Shanodin Dryads (played) G c 1 0,69 € 
 Shatter (played) R c 4 1,99 € 
 Spell Blast (good) U c 1 1,99 € 
 Spell Blast (light played) U c 3 0,99 € 
 Stream of Life (light played) G c 1 1,49 € 
 Stream of Life (played) G c 1 0,69 € 
 Throne of Bone (good) Art U 1 6,99 € 
 Tranquility (light played) G c 2 1,49 € 
 Twiddle (good) U c 0 3,49 € 
 Twiddle (played) U c 0 1,49 € 
 Unholy Strength (exc.) B c 0 4,99 € 
 Unholy Strength (played) B c 0 1,49 € 
 Unsummon (exc.) U c 0 3,99 € 
 Wall of Air (good) U U 0 3,49 € 
 Wall of Wood (light played) G c 1 0,79 € 
 Wall of Wood (played) G c 1 0,39 € 
 War Mammoth (light played) G c 1 0,99 € 
 War Mammoth (poor) G c 1 0,49 € 
 Water Elemental (exc.) U U 0 4,99 € 
 Water Elemental (light played) U U 1 3,49 € 
 Weakness (played) B c 2 0,99 € 
 Wild Growth (played) G c 1 2,99 € 
 Wooden Sphere (good) Art U 0 3,99 € 
 Wooden Sphere (played) Art U 0 1,99 € 

 Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer und zzgl. Versandkosten.